Krebs Farm OT Steelic Mist 2*M 2*D AR ~ Reference
DOB: 02/07/2016
Height: 21 3/4" Sire: MT Rivendells OLV Oliver Twist Dam: Hickory Leaf Claire 1*M 1*D AR, 2017 AGS Top Ten in AR Milk Production Number in Birth: 3 Does/1 Buck Horn Info: Disbudded Color: Sundgau w/White; Moonspots See DHIR-20 and 1-Day Milk Test Results Below
Dam's Production Record:
2018: Milked 1109# in 305 days. 61#/5.5% butterfat; 45#/4.1% protein. 4.4# milk test high. Age at freshening: 5.10 (5th lacation). 2017: AGS Top Ten in AR Milk Production. Milked 1006# in 305 days; 57#/5.7% butterfat; 42#/4.2% protein. 5.1# milk test high. Age at freshening: 4.05 (4th lactation). Milking over 3# at 308 days fresh. See sire's and dam's pictures at the bottom of the page. |
Above Photo and Udder Photos: Misty, 2nd Freshening, 12-hr. Fill.
Click To View. |
Krebs Kidding Record:
~ 03/30/2017 by GCH Lost Valley JL Tradition +*B*S: Triplets, 2 Does (Krebs Farm LVT Queshneea 3*M 3*D & Krebs Farm LVT Sunshine 3*M 3*D)/1 Buck
~ 02/08/2018 by Sycamore SS Rambo +*B+*S: Triplets, 3 Bucks (Krebs Farm SR Lakota *B*S)
~ 06/03/2019 by CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B: Triplets, 1 Doe (Krebs QQ Brooke)/2 Bucks
~ 02/02/2020 by Krebs SR DeClaire *B*S: Single, 1 Doe (Krebs DC DeMystify)
~ 01/07/2021 by Krebs QQ Marcus Quinn *B: Quintuplets, 4 Does (Krebs MQ Breezy, Krebs MQ Bramble, Krebs MQ Pebbles, & Krebs MQ Mink Moon)/1 Buck (Krebs MQ Felix Quinn *B*S)
~ 02/03/2022 by Larkstone SP Grand Design *B Elite: Single, 1 Doe (Krebs LG May)
~ 03/30/2017 by GCH Lost Valley JL Tradition +*B*S: Triplets, 2 Does (Krebs Farm LVT Queshneea 3*M 3*D & Krebs Farm LVT Sunshine 3*M 3*D)/1 Buck
~ 02/08/2018 by Sycamore SS Rambo +*B+*S: Triplets, 3 Bucks (Krebs Farm SR Lakota *B*S)
~ 06/03/2019 by CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B: Triplets, 1 Doe (Krebs QQ Brooke)/2 Bucks
~ 02/02/2020 by Krebs SR DeClaire *B*S: Single, 1 Doe (Krebs DC DeMystify)
~ 01/07/2021 by Krebs QQ Marcus Quinn *B: Quintuplets, 4 Does (Krebs MQ Breezy, Krebs MQ Bramble, Krebs MQ Pebbles, & Krebs MQ Mink Moon)/1 Buck (Krebs MQ Felix Quinn *B*S)
~ 02/03/2022 by Larkstone SP Grand Design *B Elite: Single, 1 Doe (Krebs LG May)
SS: Heidi's Mini Acres Oliver
SD: CUatLilRedBarn Cockadoodle |
SSS: Sugar Creek TW Venture A Look
SSD: CH Heidi's Mini Acres UFO Snicker SDS: CU at Lil'Red Barn Bee Bee SDD: Old Mountain Farm Lizette |
D: Hickory Leaf Claire 1*M 1*D AR (2018: Milked 1109# in 305 days. 61#/5.5% butterfat; 45#/4.1% protein. 4.4# milk test high. Age at freshening: 5.10 (5th lacation). 2017: AGS Top Ten in AR Milk Production. Milked 1006# in 305 days; 57#/5.7% butterfat; 42#/4.2% protein. 5.1# milk test high. Age at freshening: 4.05 (4th lactation). Milking over 3# at 308 days fresh.)